Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Growth Mindset

The growth mindset was a interesting thing to listen and learn about. The biggest thing I took from Carol was the education system issue she brought up. I have always thought that the United States education system has been lacking for a while as more and more students seem to feel unprepared for college and the workload and stress that comes with it. I was lucky and went to a high school that had a program to aid students in their transition. I loved her discussion on school being easy. It was nice to see someone that believed that for school to be worth while is that students needed to be challenge and not just given a free pass just because they tried their best. I love her quote, "We tell kids they should feel good when things were easy for them and they got everything right; that's a cause for celebration Not in my book. In my book it means you're not learning as much as you could." This quote is a little long but it captures the essence of being that smart kid that got everything right. It really meant that you were not fulfilling your full potential and missing out on a lot of information.
Picture from blog of Growth Mindset Memes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan! I definitely agree with your thoughts on growth mindset. It was really interesting to learn about some of the flaws in the US education system. I think that we are so used to these things, we forget to question them, so it was great to learn more about alternative learning methods. I hope you have been able to keep this in mind throughout the semester.
