Sunday, September 1, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

The first article that I read was the article on the Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt. The article is a decent article that has many tips to combat the self-doubt that many people have in society today. I have had issues with self-doubt, especially in high school, but college has aided me in taking care of those characteristics to almost nothing. The biggest point that effected me was the very first one in the article. The point was "Don't Compare Yourself to Others". This is a huge problem for many of people across the world as we are always trying to be others and compare our lives to others. this article opened my eyes to a few things I do and I am thankful I read it and will try to apply it to my life.
The other article id why rejection hurts so much. Rejection is something that everyone has to deal with in their life no matter how perfect your life seems to be or is. There are the lucky few that only face it a few times but those people are few and far between. Rejection is something that can take a massive effect on someone no matter how minimal it is. The rejection of something is like having a perfect plan and being foiled by something. Rejection is one of the worlds problems that isn't really a problem. Rejection is a personal problem that is mostly a mind thing with people that causes stress, depression and other mental problems.
This cat is the companion people that don't handle rejection well.

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