Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reading Notes: Iktomi and the Turtle

For the second reading of the week, I decided to keep the turtle theme which is funny that the Sioux have multiple turtle stories in the collection. This one is a tad different from the first one I read in the sense that this story has a lot more first person throughout the story which is awesome. It gives a more personal feel that I like to have when I am reading these stories. The funniest part about the turtle theme is that one story actually has turtles in it. This story actually has a huntsman named turtle. It is a slight twist, but it is hilarious to think about. The story starts out sad and I feel bad for the turtle as he didn't kill anything to provide for his family which is always sad. The story continues as the turtle walks home with sadness but comes upon a deer that had been slain. This was a blessing as he could now feed his family. The turtle exclaimed that the spirits had blessed him with a deer. Turtle was approached, from behind, by Iktomi. Iktomi began to talk up the turtle as the turtle was very down on himself after not being able to kill anything for food. The story continued as Iktomi and the turtle talked about the deer and the failed hunt that had happened for the turtle. The challenges that came up were awesome as the challenge was for the deer. It was a jump that was the challenge which is interesting for what was on the line. The challenge came late as well which the turtle had no choice but to take it as he had already started his jump. The turtle lost the challenge which was a little sad to read as he had already gone through the emotional rollercoaster that was the hunt. The surprise of the story was the turtle sitting in the tree as Iktomi went into the creek with the food. The kids were stressed as their father had fallen in and died in the creek. The story ends very abruptly which stunk but overall it was a solid story that I enjoyed for the entire time.
The cooking of the venison in the creek https://images.app.goo.gl/7u6Txs5X8L5s9DMN8

Bibliography: http://mythfolklore.blogspot.com/2014/06/sioux-iktomi-and-turtle.html

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