Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 10 Lab

I decided to watch the language playlist of videos and I really enjoyed them a lot more than I though I would. The first video was cool as it was just a background story into the splitting of languages. I enjoyed the animation of the video as it was easy to follow and had some comedic elements to the video which made it more enjoyable. One of my favorite videos is the verb tense video. It was funny to see how complex our language actually is. The thought of trying to learn English from scratch is crazy to think about. The fact that there are so many verb tenses is crazy to think about. It makes English seem as such a difficult language that seems impossible to learn in full which is probably very true after watching the video. Having 12 verb tenses is crazy compared to some languages that only have few to none. It is funny to watch the videos and how the correspond to a class I am currently taking. The videos contained a lot of new information that I would have never thought of, but they also brought up fascinating points about language that I thought were super cool. Probably my favorite is the new word video. The crazy numbers about number of words in the English language as well as the number of words added each year. That is such a staggering number for a language as old as English. It is really cool to see how much of the English language is just a melting pot of multiple languages from across the world. Another crazy fact about language is that many countries have language academies to decide on new words. That is some dedication to language that is awesome to see and know about.

The ways to say "Hello" in different languages.


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