Thursday, October 31, 2019

Week 11 Story: Jealous Cat

Gerald was a family cat. Gerald was just your normal house cat that was just living the dream. He had all the food he would ever need and all the time to sleep and do absolutely nothing all day. Gerald was the king of the house. No one could take him off his perch, in the window, as he looked over his beautiful kingdom. This was all about to change though.
Gerald had been the main cat for a number of years and this was the result of constantly taking out the competition. Anytime a cat or any other pet would show up in the house, Gerald would take care of the competition within an instant. Gerald had no time for other pets to take up his me time. Gerald would just lead them into the woods in the backyard and they would never be seen again. His family became skeptical of Gerald and proceeded to take a stand against their own cat. Gerald's family came home one day with a young cat named Jeff. Jeff was an upbeat cat that Gerald saw as a threat and knew that Jeff would take his spot as the favorite cat. Gerald knew the threat was extremely real and that Jeff had to go.
The day had come for Gerald to go through with his plan. Gerald woke up and had that look in his eye. The look that meant someone was going to die. Gerald waltzed around the house looking for Jeff but he was nowhere to be found. Gerald began to be furious as there was no sign of Jeff in the house. What Gerald did not know is that Jeff had been hidden by the family. Gerald's family knew that if Jeff was left alone that he wouldn't survive. Gerald continued to search and get more mad. Finally, he saw Jeff. Jeff had escaped his room after the family explicitly told him not to leave. Gerald knew it was his time to strike.
Gerald led Jeff into the woods as usual and the plan was for Jeff not to come out. Gerald led Jeff deep into the forest and convinced him to go over to a log that Gerald had been using for the past few years. The log was big and heavy and no animal has ever been able to escape its rath. The only problem was is that Jeff was a trickster. Jeff began to head towards that log with Gerald in close pursuit, but Jeff turn the tables. Jeff spun around and sent the log at Gerald with force and it actually caught Gerald instead of Jeff.
Jeff walked back to the house where the family was frantically looking for Jeff as they knew something bad was going to happen to him. All of a sudden the family heard scratching at the door. It was Jeff!! Jeff had survived, against the odds, the attack from Gerald! The family was ecstatic but also torn as Gerald was now the cat that was no longer here. It was Jeff's world and we were all living in it.
Jeff running back from the woods

Author's Note: I decided to go off the Jealous Uncle story from this week. Gerald was the new uncle that was crazy and wouldn't let any other cat in the house with him. Gerald used woods as cover to kill the other cats as well as had to work a little hard to get the cat out of hiding as the uncle had to find the boy in the village as he was hidden from him by the wives. The uncle gets a hold of the boy as Gerald did and takes him into the woods. The only twist from the original story was the outcome of the trip to the woods. In the original, the uncle takes the boy to the woods and both come back alive. In my story, both cats enter but only one survives. Jeff now has the throne of the house and the fact that the boy comes back int he original story makes me feel that there will be a chance to take the throne.


  1. Hi Ethan! I really liked the story you wrote this week. I had never heard of the jealous uncle story, and so I read Gerald's tale as if it were not based on anything. I sort of guessed where it was going, but I loved your style of writing! It brought humor into a story that was actually quite sadistic. I can't wait to read more of your work!

  2. I like that you kept the names the same, it was amusing reading about them with their human names. I was a bit confused by the log, did they push it and it flatten the other cat or how exactly did that work. I like the line you chose to end the story with. It makes me wonder if jeff is going to do the same things that Gerald did.

  3. Diabolical. But fun.
    I was also confused about the log throwing. Making them cats does present an opposable thumb issue. Maybe Gerald can lead his victims to a fall? One so deep that even a cat can't land on its feet. Just a thought.
    I like the creativity in the change and the forthright way you tell the story. No beating around the bush, just telling it like it is. Very good!

    Fun story.
